Division within the
monetary policy committee (MPC) demonstrates the need for a different sort of
Counter factual arguments are a policy makers dream.
Regardless of how dire the current state of affairs may be, just imagine if such
assertive action had not been taken. This is the argument made in favour of
another stint of monetary stimulus. Like the policy itself, the argument
suffers from diminishing returns.
The Bank of England’s (BoE) statisticians reckon that the
first round of quantitative easing (QE) raised GDP by 2%. Conveniently for the
bank, we will never know if this is true, it is merely a complicated guess relative to a counter factual argument of how things might have been.
Still, there are two pieces of simple data not premised on
econometric modelling, which should make one suspicious of the effectiveness of
the latest round of QE. Since the BoE’s first round of stimulus back in 2009,
bank reserves are up 58%. Yet lending has barely risen, up a paltry 0.2%. If
ever QE did work, it was never reflected in increased lending to businesses.
This opinion is not limited to the blogosphere. Spencer
Dale, the BoE chief economist is sceptical of another dose of QE, voting
against the latest £50bn injection citing that the “conditions are not right”
for more printing. Indeed the MPC was divided on the issue, with several key
figures voting against the measure.
Two things can be gleaned from this. Firstly, that like
everyone else, the BoE does not know what the correct course of action is to
avert recession. Secondly, without confidence, banks will not lend to businesses
no matter how much cash they are given.
The banks, fragile and anxious, borrow cheaply from the UK
government; the UK government, delicate and nervous, receives cheap financing
from the banks. The analogy of two drunks being propped up by one another is
depressingly apt.
Osborne and Hester? |
Stop Wheezing, start
Fracking is the bane of environmentalists everywhere; it
could be a boon for the UK’s economy and energy mix. Regulation prevents
effective exploration of this lucrative market. It should go ahead with vigour.
If the country is serious about rebalancing the economy, then this high tech
engineering industry cannot be neglected.
Shale gas exploration could cause pollution, it may underwhelm,
most importantly; it may fail to spur the economy.
Still, fortunately for your correspondent, the counterfactual,
of how awful things would have been without such bold measures, can always be used
in defence.
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